Saturday, 1 September 2007

Ripped apart

One week's school work unfinished and untouched till today. Our own fault and we were'nt notified about it until the thursday of the holidays.
MOnday Tuesday work work work at the robotic lab of my school non stop whole day.
Wednesday Decided to work late and stay overnight in my school. But siince it was the seventh month and CHung Ling was famous for those stuff we decided not to do so. Credits go to Chun Kit for allowing us to stay overnight at his house to finish our work. We worked till daylight without real sleep.
Thursday Work
Friday Work
Saturday Presentation of our team Aeroswift's flash presentation to the F1 in Schools Judges. We talked too much, exceeded the maximum time bt we were still satisfied. Well gotta prepare for monday n tuesday's big challenge


Sarah Sue said...

Congrats for winning best team sponsorship and marketing.. =) Your advertising was great =) and if you don't mind me saying, hilarious! =)

eugene said...

sarahchewsuemei, u were there and saw our crap?