Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Books Review

I just finished reading Tuesdays with Morrie and "for one more day", both by mitch albom.

As with "Tuesdays with Morrie":
Must read book before you die! A touching true story that touched me deeply, inspired me and motivated me. I learnt quite a few things about death and now am enlightened that death should not be feared but embraced with grace. It also teaches us on true values we should adapt and not by blindly following the mostly materiallistic culture and lifestyle these days. Morrie Schwartz who died years ago has indeed served as a beacon for mankind to follow his noble footsteps- A TEACHER TO THE LAST...
I would really love to visit him if he's still alive and visit his grave in the future. I really think the MOE should make it a compulsory book for the ENglish subject.

Review on "For One More Day":
ALso quite a good book but i prefer Tuesdays with Morrie. Nevertheless it still remains one of the top books on my recommendation list. It mostly focuses on the power of mothers' love and forgiveness. I liked the plot but it did not focus on a lot of aspects on how to live as it was mainly dedicated to mothers around the world.
Synopsis: It's really about a ficitional character( i am not sure whether he was using the character to reflect on the author's own life) who tried to commit suicide but ends up spending another day with his dead mother, doing all he always wanted to do but didn't with his mother.

1 comment:

U-Jean said...

u think everyone engrish so chim r?